The Birth of Prince Siddhartha
Queen Mahamaya gave birth to Prince Siddhartha under a Sala Tree in the Royal Park of Lumbini. The Baby Prince ( Buddha’s former identity ) walked seven steps in a circle with seven lotuses simultaneously blossomed from the earth. He then joyfully declared, “After this life, my birth and death will forever cease”
摩耶皇后在嵐毘尼園,娑羅 ( 無憂 ) 樹下分娩了悉達多太子(佛陀前生)。太子周行七步,七朵蓮花相應地從地湧出。太子隨喜悅宣說:「捨此生後,生死永盡。」
The First Sermon of the Buddha
The Buddha was determined to share his wisdom of internal awakening with all beings. He went to the Deer Park at Baranasi in Isipatana, where five monks (bhikkhus) resided. He preached to them the Sermon Dhammacakkapavattana Sutra. It says, “Distance oneself from the extremes (the dualities - self and what belong to self)”
決心要將自證的智慧與眾生分享,佛陀來到波羅奈國鹿野苑五比丘的住處,首次的說法,他為五比丘演説了:《轉法輪經》:「遠離一切極端 ( 遠離二邊 - 我及我所 )」。
The Buddha’s First Missionary Group
The Buddha intended to spread the words of his Dhamma teaching. When there were 60 Arahants, he despatched them on their first mission. He told them, “Oh monks (bikkhus), go forth to foreign countries and impart knowledge for the benefit and welfare of all beings!”
The Buddha accepting a meal from the poorest man in Savatthi
The Buddha was very often invited to alms by the rich. Here he went purposely to the house of the poorest man in Savatthi for meals. The poor man offered to him the food and the Buddha accepted it. Thus he showed no discrimination between the rich and the poor..
The Buddha nursed a sick monk
A monk (bhikkhu) was afflicted with severe skin disease. He was uncared for and suffered from much pain. The Buddha called on him and tended the monk, demonstrating his magnanimity and kindness.
Khema visiting the Buddha at Veluvana Khema
The chief consort of King Bimbisara was infatuated with her own beauty. She would not visit the Buddha because he disparaged her beauty. King Bimbisara urged her to visit the Buddha. When they met, the Buddha made her behold a divine damsel. She witnessed the damsel passing gradually from youth to old age, and from old age to death. Khmer suddenly came to understand the truth about the vanity and impermanence of life.
頻毘娑羅皇后 - 柯瑪,沉醉於自己美貌。佛陀貶抑她的想法!因此她不願見佛。頻毘娑羅王終說服她去見佛陀。二人見面時,佛陀令她看見一位美貌天女,年青天女漸漸年華老去,由衰老而後死亡。柯瑪夫人頓然領悟到 「生命虛幻和無常」的真理。
Vessantara Jataka
The Buddha was born King Vessantara. This was his last birth as a Bodhisattva. To fulfill Dana (generosity), he donated the royal elephant to Brahmans. He also gave his own son and daughter to a poor old man, who came to him begging for children.
佛陀出生後將繼承王位 (King Vessantara)。這是他在永斷生死之前最後為菩薩的一生,他完滿地奉行布施,把自己的皇室白象布施給婆羅門,也把自己的兒子和女兒布施給來乞求子女的貧者。
The War between the Sakyas and Koliyas
The Buddha’s relatives, the Sakyas and Koliyas - family clans of the Buddha’s parents, began a war over the rights to the waters of River Rohini. The Buddha intervened and stopped them from fighting. He taught them the advantages of maintaining peace.
為了盧血河 (Rohini) 的水源問題,釋迦和拘利雅兩族 - 佛陀父母的眷屬,發生戰爭。佛陀從中調停止息。佛陀向雙方説明和平共存的好處。
The Buddha taught the Abhidhamma to his mother
The Buddha appeared in Tavatimsa Heaven. His mother who was born in Tusita Heaven came to Tavatimsa. The Buddha seated on the throne of Sakra, the King of gods and preached the Abhidhamma to the mother.
The Buddha descended from Tavatimsa to Sankassa City
After preaching the Abhidhamma to his mother, the Buddha descended from Tavatimsa to Sankassa City along a ladder that Sakra, the King of gods, has changed himself into. Sara held the Chatra - the parasol for the Buddha as he descended, surrounded by Brahmas. The Buddha descended from Tavatimsa to Sankassa City.
Katthahari Jataka
A beautiful poor woman once gave birth to an illegitimate son of the King of Benares. When the infant grew up, she took him to the King and said, “ Oh King, accept your son.” The King denied this with anger and shame. Being left with no alternatives, the woman said, “I shall toss him into the air. If he is your son, he will hover. If not, he will fall down and die.” She tossed the child into the air, and he did not fall. This proved the truth. The baby boy was the Bodhisattva (a previous life of the Buddha).
Ksantivadi Jataka
In a previous life, the Buddha was born a saint. He was seated in a grove, and preached to the harem of the King. The King saw them seated around the Saint, listening to him very attentively. The King asked him, “Who are you?” The Saint replied, “I am Ksantivadi Saint”. The King in return said, “you will demonstrate your tolerance to me”. Then, the King severed the limbs of the Saint. The Saint said, “My tolerance is in my heart but not in my limbs”. The King trampled the heart of the Saint with much strength. The Saint died and went to Heaven, and the King to Hell.
在過往生中,佛陀曾作仙人,坐於叢林中,向國王的妃嬪眷屬説法。國王看見妃嬪圍繞,諦聽仙人説法,國王向仙人問:「你是誰? 」仙人回答:「我是忍辱仙人」。國王説:「那麼,我要看看你忍辱本領!」。隨即砍去了仙人兩手臂。仙人説:「我的忍辱,在我心中,不在臂中」。於是國王怒而用力踐躝仙人的心臟。最後仙人死去了,升上天堂,國王則到了地獄去。
These paintings were created by Ven. Mapalagama Wipulasara.
Ven. Dr. Mapalagama Wipulasara Thera, a world renowned Sculptor and Painter, was born in Sri Lanka on 3rd of March 1925.His distinguished art works are currently exhibited worldwide including Sri Lanka, India, Japan, China, New York, Australia and Germany.
The Ven. Wipulasara Thera has been awarded with many honours, including the Kalasoori, the most prestigious artistic award, from the Sri Lanka Government and the Twentieth Century Award for Achievement, presented by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, UK, in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the cultural propagation.
The Ven. Wipulasara Thera created superb art works in various traditional art forms including Gok-kola decor art, Kolam, Puppertry and Kohombakankariya. His Buddha statues sculptures at Ananda College in Colombo, House of the president of Sri Lanka and many Buddhist temples are world renowned.
The Ven. Wipulasara Thera held several important positions including Chief President of the Sri Lanka Buddhist Congress, High Priest, and adviser with over 18 National and International Organizations. In 1972, he involved in designing National emblem of Sri Lanka. The Ven. Wipulasara Thera was the President of the Maha Bodhi Society of India in 1996-1998.
This work was finished in 1989 at Sri Lanka, by Ven. Dr. Mapalagama Wipulasara Thera. The ownership of this original piece belongs to Dr. Kwok Shiu Ming, the Chairman of International Centre of Sakyamunis Culture.
This replica is made in 2017 by TTOOPP. Print on Canvas. Unframed.
世界著名雕塑家和畫家瑪巴拉迦瑪 ● 維巴拉沙拿,在 1925 年 3 月 3 日出生於印度洋的明珠 ──- 斯里蘭卡。 除了斯里蘭卡,他在印度,日本,中國,香港,澳大利和德國有藝術創作,作品類別繁多而出眾,令人嘆為觀止!
他享有很高的藝術殊榮,曾獲斯里蘭卡政府頒發藝術界最高榮譽的卡拉索里(Kalasoori)及英國劍橋國際傳記中心 (MOIF) 的二十世紀成就奬,以表彰他傑出的成就。
瑪巴拉迦瑪 ● 維巴拉沙拿大師的作品,題材廣泛,由古希臘的雕塑和繪畫傳承,科倫波的草葉造型裝飾 (gok-kola),民間粉筆畫 (kolam),木偶戲 (Puppetry),以至斯里蘭卡的傳統舞蹈 (Kohombakankariya),都出類拔萃,才藝非凡。而他為阿倫坡的阿南達學院 (Ananda College) 多間佛寺及總統府內塑造的佛像,是他的藝術成就的高峰。
瑪巴拉迦瑪 ● 維巴拉沙拿曾擔任斯里蘭卡僧團主席、大祭司,和多個國際機構的藝術顧問工作。1972 年,他參與設計斯里蘭卡的國徽。由 1996 到 1998,他獲邀擔任印度摩訶菩提協會會長一職。